COVID Warriors Get Breathing Aid From AMFAH India Addressing HUMIDITY

COVID Warriors Get Breathing Aid From AMFAH India Addressing HUMIDITY

Mumbai, 07th July 2020: At a time when most corporates, social groups, NGOs and concerned citizens have stepped up to do their bit in the COVID crisis, there have been few contributions towards hospitals, municipal and other COVID workers. The few aid packages doled out include protective gear, oxymeters, and temperature monitoring devices. They don’t take into account the need for improving their immunity or the quality of their ambient atmosphere. AMFAH India, an organisation which specialises in air treatment products, has switched this trend with its latest CSR initiative.

To help frontline COVID warriors – doctors, medical workers and police, AMFAH India has contributed dehumidifiers worth Rs 15 lacs to seven COVID hospitals in different parts of Mumbai, alongside the strategic war rooms for municipal offices.

“Our healthcare workers, municipal staff and policemen have been fighting against the COVID-19 crisis for months now. They’ve put their safety, health and very lives on hold, to deal with those who’re suffering from COVID-19. The least we can do for them is to ensure that they have optimum work conditions and do not fall prey to the coronaviruses”, said Mansoor Ali, Founder of AMFAH India.

The company has been at the forefront of spreading awareness about maintaining optimum humidity, temperature and air quality levels to control the spread of COVID-19. By placing dehumidifiers in hospitals and municipal offices, it aims to reduce the risk of a COVID-19 infection among these frontline workers.

They’ve already set up dehumidifiers in KEM hospital, Kasturba hospital including COVID patient wards, Sion hospital, Nair hospital, ENT hospital in Churchgate, the Jogeshwari trauma centre and Sanyog Savli, a shelter near KEM hospital for relatives of COVID19 patients at the hospital. They also set up the devices in the BMC head office, MCGM health department and police stations in Shivaji Nagar and Oshiwara.

“With these 19 units, we’ve provided aid to more than 150 frontline leaders already”, Ali added.

The mission began after officials from AMFAH India met the state health minister Rajesh Tope to share their reports linking humidity levels and indoor air quality with COVID-19. Here, they pledged to contribute to healthcare workers by any means necessary.

WHO, the American CDC and many international bodies have confirmed the presence of a link between COVID-19 and reduced levels of relative humidity. Professors in IIT Bombay have also acknowledged this link in a COVID-19 analysis report they published in June 2020.

Devices like dehumidifiers and medical-grade air conditioning and ventilation systems can help control levels of relative humidity in indoor spaces between prescribed standards. Through this donation, the organisation claims to have backed their campaign with their products and creating important awareness on indoor air quality.

“We’ve ensured that doctors and their support teams at COVID hospitals have had atmospheric protection for the last two months. Currently, the Environment department of MCGM is doing a research on recovery on patients at COVID wards of Kasturba hospital.

Our mission is to create awareness on health risks involved on humidity impacting indoor air quality and importantly the risks are very high in coastal areas, pledged Ali.

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